Research Projects

Transfer for Transformation

The project “Transfer for Transformation – Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach” (T4T) is an application lab at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) that aims to innovate knowledge transfer through consequent target-group-integration and novel strategies for knowledge generation, access and dissemination. This workshop is supported by the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft through its Leibniz Competition grant, SAW T95/2021.

Homo Curans

THE NEW INSTITUTE gave me the opportunity to commence my project „Homo Curans“ between October 2023 and June 2024 in the context of a Fellowship that “develops concrete visions of future socio-economic and political realities (…) on the basis of humanistic and social-scientific reflection on human becoming.”

The project is also part of my collaboration with the Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development (DIIS) network hosted by the University College Cork.

 Past Projects