Policy Advice Engagements

Throughout my career, I have been committed to delivering impactful policy advice and fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders to address global and local challenges. Leveraging my interdisciplinary expertise and practical experience, I have contributed to initiatives that drive tangible outcomes and societal impact. Key highlights of my work include:

  • International Cooperation and Governance: I advised governments in the Philippines, Brazil, South Africa, India, China, and Indonesia on sustainable energy, climate governance, and voluntary sustainability standards. My efforts led to transformative outcomes, such as the establishment of a sustainable energy center of excellence in the Philippines and Indonesia’s national platform on sustainability standards, enhancing policy implementation and fostering sustainable development.

  • Sustainability Standards and Due Diligence: I worked extensively with government agencies, international organizations, and the business sector to develop and implement sustainability standards and corporate due diligence frameworks. This included improving voluntary sustainability standards in high-emission industries, supporting the alignment of corporate practices with sustainability goals, and advancing responsible trade policies globally.

  • Consultation on Natural Disaster and Risk Reduction Management: In the Philippines, I engaged with key stakeholders, including the military, to strengthen disaster preparedness and risk reduction strategies. These consultations helped enhance institutional capacity and community resilience in responding to climate-related hazards and natural disasters.

  • Conflict Management Training: I facilitated the training of over 100 local leaders in the Philippines in conflict management, equipping them with the skills to mediate agreements and foster peace in regions affected by identity conflicts. This initiative strengthened community governance and contributed to long-term reconciliation.

  • Consultation with Policymakers via the Science Platform 2030: As coordinator of the German Science Platform on the 2030 Agenda, I facilitated structured dialogues between researchers and policymakers. These consultations shaped Germany’s strategies for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring evidence-based research informed actionable policies on sustainability and development.

  • Scenario Building and Futures Analysis: I developed socio-political frameworks for Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), providing decision-makers with tools to guide sustainability transitions and improve climate resilience. These frameworks have informed strategic planning at multiple levels of governance.

  • Capacity Building and Leadership Development: I have mentored over 100 emerging leaders from the Global South through programs like the Managing Global Governance Academy. Many of these individuals now influence sustainability and governance policies in their countries, amplifying the impact of my work.

  • Knowledge Diplomacy and Stakeholder Engagement: My contributions for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and other initiatives have supported global climate action by providing scientifically grounded insights. I have also fostered multi-stakeholder dialogues that bridge academic research with policymaking on global challenges.

Through these initiatives, I have consistently sought to align policies with global sustainability goals, empower diverse stakeholders, and drive transformative change. My work bridges the gap between research and policy, contributing to equitable development and a more sustainable future.